Sydney Pools – Safety Standards For Swimming Pools
Sydney pools are popular in backyards and offer a great way to stay cool and relax with family and friends. However, pool ownership comes with certain responsibilities, including meeting all swimming pool laws set by the NSW government. In this article, we will explore some of the standards all sidney pools must abide by to be safe and ensure swimmers are protected.
A pool can provide a great source of fun and exercise for the entire family during Sydney’s hot summer weather. In addition, a pool can also be used for therapy and rehabilitation. It is important to consider the climate of your area when choosing a pool location, as different areas have their own unique conditions that can affect swimming.
In Sydney, the coastal areas often experience high winds and rain throughout most of the year, while the inner city suburbs have warmer temperatures. Consequently, you may want to consider a heating system for your pool, especially if you plan on using it in the spring and fall. The most popular option is solar heating, which is highly effective and environmentally friendly.
The City of Sydney has six outstanding aquatic centres, including the Sir John Robertson Pool and the new Ryde Aquatic Centre. These facilities are designed to serve the needs of all the city’s residents, from babies and toddlers to older people. Each pool has designated swim zones, and some have playgrounds or picnic areas. Some have special facilities for water sports, such as canoeing and kayaking.
As well as having an indoor pool, you can also enjoy the outdoors by going for a swim at one of Sydney’s many beaches. The city’s coastline is toothed with headlands that spike into the Pacific Ocean, regularly hammered by winter swells and summer cyclones from the north. Nevertheless, Sydney’s coastline boasts a handful of sheltered rock pools, where surfers and swimmers can bathe safely.
The best known is Bondi Beach’s ocean pool, whose Victorian elegance adds to the attraction of this famous Sydney beach. The pool owes its existence to the depression of the 1930s, when unemployment relief projects allowed suburban communities to buy and develop ocean pools on their coast. The ocean pools forged links with country communities in the interwar years, when members of the Bondi and Bronte Amateur Swimming Clubs spearheaded a learn-to-swim campaign for country children staying at the Stewart House Preventorium.
Before building a Sydney pool, you should consult with your local council and request a copy of the site plan for your property. This will help you find out if there are any existing underground water pipes or power lines located at the site where you plan to build your pool. If there are, you must contact your local electricity authority or Transgrid before starting construction. It is a good idea to have a qualified, licensed contractor install your pool, as this will ensure the safety of everyone using it. Also, be sure to check whether any trees on your property are subject to preservation orders.