How to Win a Sidney Prize
The Sydney prize is an award that honors people who have done good work for humanity. These are people who have helped the environment, contributed to science, and even worked on creating new technology that will improve human lives. They are usually given money to help them continue their efforts and encourage other people to join them. Some even receive a plaque to commemorate their work. There are many ways to win a sidney prize, including being nominated by someone else or entering an essay contest. Here are some things to consider before applying for one.
The 2023 Sydney Prize will be awarded to physicist and author Sidney Perkowitz for his ongoing commitment to connect art, the media, and literature with science, demonstrating how such endeavors can contribute to the advancement of our understanding of physics and its role in society. The selection committee cited Perkowitz’s long-standing efforts to foster the development of a “bridge” between the scientific community and broader society, and his efforts to promote and support a diversity of approaches in this regard.
This year’s judges, Patrick Lenton, Alice Bishop, and Sara Saleh, have shortlisted eight pieces for the Overland Neilma Sidney Prize in short fiction, loosely themed around the notion of travel. The winner will be published in Overland’s autumn edition, and the two runners-up will each be awarded $750. We would like to thank our judges for their hard work and dedication to the integrity of the blind-judging process.
A ten-year-old boy in a suburban American neighborhood is learning about the world, and his family’s history. It’s a story that has the potential to change a child’s view of the world, and perhaps even inspire him or her to become an engineer.
In this remarkable book, historian S. Frederick Starr explores the remarkable intellectual history of Central Asia, a region that, in the centuries just before the rise of Islam and China, was a center of innovation. Its citizens invented trigonometry, used crystallization to purify water, estimated the Earth’s size with precision, and anticipated Darwin’s theory of evolution. Starr chronicles its long decline, triggered by the Sunni-Shiite split, and modern glimmers of revival.
Enter The Sydney Morning Herald’s essay prize to have your writing read by a wider audience. Our editors and the Herald’s senior writers will judge entries on what makes you optimistic about the future of Sydney or NSW, and why. The winning entry in each age group will receive $1000, spend a day in the Herald newsroom, and get a 12-month digital subscription to the newspaper. Two runners-up in each age group will each be awarded $500. The competition closes on Monday 2 October. Click here for more details.